Forest fire this week
in Manitou Springs picture taken by friends living there.
“Rain, rain go away
come again another day” so goes the rhyme of my rain filled childhood in Wales.
However since living in Colorado and Kansas in the middle of America, in what
used to be known as the “great American Desert” , and desert it is, despite
being the bread basket of America, however with the lack of rain and moisture
we could end up as the basket case of America.
Every time I hear complaints
from friends and family about all the
rain they get I think to myself how lucky they are, because this gives Wales
one of its most precious resources, its water. Something that does not pollute
but gives life.
The Mighty Arkansas
River in south Dodge City in 1965 it burst it banks and flooded most of the
I will show them
alternative. A dry summer last year when it was a 100F plus for over 40 days
and the possibility of another one, except we had more rain thgis spring and as
I type it is certainly more humid than last year.
I have lived in
Colorado and Kansas for the last 20 odd years (except for 2002-05 and 2007-08
when I was back in Wales), Colorado has moisture at least because of the
mountains and snow. Kansas is a different matter, we have very little snow and
Colorado has been a
tinderbox in Fort Collins, Este Park (home of the infamous hotel in the “Shining”)

And fires just
outside Manitou Springs.
So when my Welsh
complain bout the rain just think what it must be like without it!?
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