Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cardiff get the hell outta of Wales says Mr Gall Stone

This letter caught my eye in the Western Mail today. Mr Gall stone was obviously responding to one of those nasty letters describing the Welsh language as dead and useless. And though I certainly do subscribe to such a view. I think that his letter should make English speakers nervous.

I am sure that most Welsh speakers believe that their English speaking Welsh are truly members of the Welsh nation, I know that Mr Gouldstone is not alone in that extreme view.

in fact he should also add most of Pembrokeshire and eastern Powys.

Its stupid assed letters like this that is a gift to the “no’ team.

Re-draw Wales

SIR – Mr C E Lambert of Barry is mistaken when he states that the population of Wales has chosen to join the English speaking world (Letters, Dec 9).

The two counties of Glamorgan and Gwent alone have chosen to join the English only speaking world and the Welsh language thrives in everyday use alongside English in the rest of Wales.

Also, why shouldn’t our native language have equal status in law as the English language? It is not a question of whether one speaks Welsh but more of a question whether there is more to Welsh culture than putting on a red shirt and shouting racial obscenities at sporting events.

All the objections to support of our native language comes from the above two counties who make it clear they have no regard (or possibly knowledge) of our history and perhaps it is time to re-define our borders.

Why not transfer Glamorgan and Gwent to the West of England and move the capital to either Aberystwyth or Caernarfon?

Cardiff is a nice place to live in but it is not a Welsh city and it would transfer easily to England. Wales and the true Welsh would be better served through relocation of the capital to either of the two towns. The benefits to both communities are obvious.

The rest of Wales can enthusiastically support all of our culture without the constant whingeing of the two Wenglish counties and people like Mr Lambert will have no fear of their children being brought up in a bilingual country.

He and his like-minded souls can immerse themselves in the Anglo culture they hold in such high regard, although I doubt whether most of them could tell the difference between Shakespeare and the Simpsons.

I see only one problem. Would the English want such people? I doubt it.

PETER Gallstone

Roath Park, Cardiff

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